Thursday, October 23, 2008

Within A Month

Within A Month

To everyone who follows my blog ramblings, I must beg forgiveness. I know it's been a while since the last post. Several significant things have happened since then, so I will attempt to bring everyone up to speed.

First, and most significantly, Dad had a birthday. Happy Birthday Dad!!

Next, my office assignment was moved and duties added. This is a strange effect, since it's a blessing and an annoyance all rather rolled up nicely in one neat package. See, I still have to do badge stuff at the badge office. AND I get to do more stuff here at the Mayor cell half a mile away. Joy! Rapture! The essential difference here is people walk in and out. A lot. Folks wander into my office and ask questions like, "hey sir, what do you think...left boot on the left foot...?" I especially enjoy that one. In any event, now I must actively wander between the two locations. To add insult to injury, I have to deal with Internet Explorer here instead of Mozilla Firefox. Yeah, I know, life's tough all over.

Lastly, we're close to three weeks from rotating out of here. Naturally, that's not the end to this nonsense, but it's close. Then, see, we get to do another ten days of "redeployment" nonsense to make sure the Army does everything it can for us (all good) and then listen to briefings (good thing I have books on my cellphone...might need to make sure those are up to date...I hear we have way many much briefings) and THEN we get to go home. I think. "Home" being defined as that place containing my wife and wine. Honesly, I should be more tolerant. After all, I know and understand the Army, like any large institution, will have its fair share of nonsense. I knew it before I joined. Still, I don't think it's bad to point it out when it crops up.

I continue to look at what it'd take for me to make money making wine.

And...we're still at a crossroads for adoption. Both Ethiopia and Russia are financially feasible, now it's a matter of where we want to go. Ethiopia is quicker, the child will be an infant, the fees are about half as much as in Russia and the visit is shorter. The agency has had no health issues with children adopted from Ethiopia at all, which is good. But we're also interested in Russia. To say we're torn would be a great understatement. Please pray for wisdom in this decision.



Anjie said...

Can't wait to have you back stateside!

As far as the wee one, yuo'll know which is right for you. You'll feel it in your gut, go with it. It'll be the right thing. Don't worry on it, just know it's going to happen and where and when it should, because it will. You need not ruminate on which place is the one, the child that needs you will be the one you find drawn to, in either place for a reason you cannot explain, nor need to. it's how that sort of thing works. ;) Trust in it, it's bigger than the ruminations of anyone.

Left boot on left foot eh? Tough one...but glad they have someone to bounce that sorta stuff off of. LOL Hey you never know, Army has been known to do weird things over the years, it's always good to check on the logical, because no one has ever said the Army was built on all logic. LOL :P

austrohoosier said...

If it's any help, simply put it comes down to borscht vs spicy lentils - no contest, as I don't like beets! Besides, Ethiopians are an absolutely beautiful people (my own personal bias, of course). And they don't make a bad beer (Harrar). What more could you ask for, Bräumeister?