Saturday, August 23, 2008


Just so everyone knows: MY WIFE TOTALLY ROCKS!!!

The temptation now is to post and leave that as the entire blog posting, but those who know me understand I'm far too loquacious to not expand on that particular fact. A few weeks ago, I ordered a new razor, a Merkur Heavy Duty safety razor. So, since Amazon's too much of a wuss to send that to an APO, I had it sent home to my wife, who rocks, and who is NOT too much of wuss to send it here. With it, she threw in yellow and purple Propel (excellent!), some pics from class and a card. That, my friends, is why my wife rocks. She sends me cool stuff without complaining. Along with that arrived some books from Jeff - dude, you are an intellectual oasis in a desert of Maxim magazines my friend! Thank you very much!! And lastly, a couple of DryMistat tubes I had ordered showed up. The other two tupperware containers I have here are now field expedient humidors, all for the low price of nine bucks each. Why, do you ask, do I need two more humidors? Because, with the same birthday money (thank you Mom & Dad), with which I purchased said razor, I picked up two bricks of decent cigars (personally, I like the torpedos, but that's a lot of cigar, should have gone with robustos, live and learn). Now, just for the record, fifty cigars is a lot of smokes. Ergo, the need for more humidors. The circle is complete - now all I need is for the weather to break, at least under 100, so I can sit out on my veranda, enjoy a cigar and read. One more thing to add to the "Leave List".

Did I mention that Kim is awesome?

This week has been good. My morning routine is improving, if nothing else. I'm nowhere near as consistent as I'd like to be, but that will come with time. All that said, tomorrow morning is an "A" day, so I'll be back at the weight stack. As long as I get a couple of days on the elliptical trainer, I'm good to hook.

Work-wise, we continue to work at the whole impregnable fortress image. I have two dudes to put on alert, which I'll have done in a day or two. I've made progress on the essay for phase two, and today should see me making even more progress on it. In fact, my goal today is to have the outline stuff entirely done - Germans, Russians, Modularity and the discussion and intro sections. That means I can start putting this Frankensteinian essay together and run some voltage through it to see if it can walk on its own. Once that's all done, it's on to phase three baby!

Many folks here obsess about an AFN hookup in their CHU. I do not. Personally, I don't watch a whole lot of TV at home, and what little I watch, I have on an 8 DVD set here in theater (all eight seasons of CSI baby!). All that said, I'm happy to be missing the drama surrounding the presidential race right now. For all that, I manage to keep up somehow. Needless to say, I enjoy the commentary of Day By Day.



Anonymous said...

South--Good to hear things are going well. I hear you get some leave soon--how much and how long? Your in our thoughts and prayers.

Hope to talk to you soon.


austrohoosier said...

Glad my contributions can stimulate something other than libido! Good to know the package arrived.

Scott & I climbed again Thurs/Sun for the 1st times in 3 wks. A 5.9 with double overhangs broke me as I came over the lip of the 1st - had to place left foot high (i.e., knee in left arm pit), spring off it with "support" of slippery right hand hold to grasp next hold 6-9" out of range of left hand. Sunday I nailed it on the 2nd try! but nearly burnt out my arms - biceps were so pumped I had to hold off making the 2nd attempt for the pain to subside.

I'm right there with you on TV viewing. I canned the cable a couple months ago and haven't looked back. Wish I'd done it years ago. Bumped the NetFlix subscription to 4-unlimited per month. Viewing what I want to, when I want to, otherwise reading.

All my best, brother.
