Monday, May 26, 2008

Lost It Today

First and foremost, apologies to all for not updating sooner. It's not for lack of anything to post, just being basically lazy. A little bird told me I ought to post, indeed that a post was...ehm...awaited. So, here it is. It's bound to be long. I'll labor valiantly to not whine too much.

So about the title. I've been doing well controlling my temper, taking life one day at a time, generally having a "mind like water" and all that sort of thing. I've actually been happy. But small things have been building up recently and I lost it today. Not a ranting and shouting lost it, but I did get pretty angry. Wasn't really over something small, but I think in the long run it could be considered small. As with all things, I took the situation (which I shall not enumerate here) as a minor blow to my pride and reacted poorly. Kind of childishly. At least, that's how I reacted in my own mind. I think the email I sent was not too harsh, but still I could have done some fact finding before losing my cool. A little part of it is a general tiredness. I'm a tad tired of the Special Forces folks. They're special...see? So when they come to my office, they really need a "special" deal. I'm about ready to call the arrangements "SpecFor 1," "SpecFor 2," and "SpecFor 3", just to show folks it's really not all that special. Thing of it is, I see these guys coming a mile away. Who else looks like a freaking NFL linebacker and packs a Glock? Who else argues that they need to have ammo in their (largely unused in the DFAC) pistols while they're in the DFAC? Who else (besides privates who just plain forget) just won't wear unit patches while in their uniform (but rank and nametapes are just fine)? See what I mean? To a certain extent, it's not really "special", but "standard". They all meet it. Sometimes I just want to say, "Yes, you're special. Now get back on your short bus and go home." Honestly, that's unfair, as most of these guys are good people and great Americans. Some of the stuff they do just makes no sense to me, which just makes them part of the Army, I suppose. One of the contractors who works closely with me spend over thirty years in the special forces community. He's not here right now, which means I don't have access to his wisdom and wit, which I could really have used today.

So, if you're following the news (which I do not), then you'll know the Iraqis have a major offensive going on in Mosul right now. I know this, as I basically read about it in the orders and summaries I read daily. They have made the statement that AQI is on the ropes and failing. Or they might just have gone to ground to ride it out. Either way, we don't get shelled as much (and when we do, it's always about a mile and a half east of here), which is fine with me. Also remember a lot of the news from Iraq is about Baghdad. That's a long way south of here. It's practically a different country. Many folks 'round these parts claim it is. The point is, it's still a war, the terrorists are still out there and the ISF is actually doing better than I thought it would.

I still don't want them on my FOB.

This last month, folks have really come through big time!! Belle sent some cigars and snacks and DVDs, thank you again! Kim sent a TON of DVDs and books and a card that ended up in a ziploc baggie. I know I married her for a reason! Kim is just awesome. I'm still amazed that she is doing the whole new career thing. Really, that just blows me away every time I think about it. Thank you all again for the prayers and support. Please pray for my temper and attitude. I don't like walking about with a chip on my shoulder.

While I oughtn't provide political commentary, I can't help it. Side note: the BEST part of not having a TV here is not having to stomach the political race BS going on back home right now. Making big deals of little things seems to be the play of the month, even I'm doing it. So, thank you goes out to Chris Muir at Day By Day for this one. Dad will like it. Dems won't. You've been warned.

More links for you all. How about an independent check on the war here in Iraq? You know, kind of like an Iraqi Mythbusters (NB: this lends itself to all sorts of great spinoffs). Here it is. All good stuff and worth a look.

Last link, but not without commentary. As someone who has had the honor and privilege to commission Officers into the US Army, this one hit home for me. I always knew USI supported us above and beyond the call of duty, and here's one more thing I can point at as proof.

OK, last item. So I was doing squats last week and my right knee started to hurt really, really badly. So I figured it was the knee and tried it again. Nope, still hurt. Hmm. Started some research and figured out it might be my technique. So, based on some information, I changed technique and dropped some weight - it being easier to concentrate on technique with 45 pounds on the bar instead of 120. It was all good. I'll keep working it slowly to make sure.

That's all for now. I could write a diatribe about the girly men MPs who take freakishly long showers, but I should not have to do so. Simply saying, "MP" is enough. Heheheheee.

Today is Memorial Day, so, in the spirit of Henry the Fifth, I should point to my scars and say, "these wounds I had on St Crispian's." Lest we forget.


1 comment:

Mom said...

mark--this is a trial run being engineered by Kim--hope it works. Love ya, Mom