Alright, so it's getting close. Really close. This is so close, if it were Looney Tunes, Elmer Fudd would turn, face the audience and say, "Be vewy, vewy quiet, I'm hunting wabbits!" Then, naturally, Bugs would show up. See, that's close.
So, after last post, I am wondering how many folks I turned off with the Google search link. If that kept anyone away, I am heartily sorry. Those who know me and love me understand I have a wildly inappropriate sense of humor, such as it is. Naturally I laughed my tail off when I first saw that clip. Go figure.
So, I've been taking stock of the time here in Iraq, just to kind of review how things have been. First and foremost, to lay some concerns expressed by in-laws to rest, I have not yet managed to shoot myself in the foot (keep in mind, I pack heat daily, just like all the other folks here). Granted, my shooting coach is a former SF sniper with a ton of confirmed kills, so that might have something to do with it. Or, it might be because after 20 years in uniform and counting I have some shadow of a clue of what I'm doing. It's a stretch, I know. What else...oh, I'm benching my body weight and am back up to my high point on squats where last time I had to drop weight and relearn technique. No knee pain, all is good. And I'm done with ILE. Well, not totally, but close. Two of my assignments got kicked back for some odd reason (sentence length, I imagine). Honestly, I have no clue why, since they were sent to me in Evansville. Once I get home, I'll figure it out. Maybe. In any case, I'll have the military education for LTC done before I get home, that's the important thing. Other things....I've met Iraqis who have risked more for for the USA than many Americans I know. That's humbling. And I think I've grown up some, which is always a good thing.
Thanks are always in order, and I have a lot of folks to keep thanking. In no particular order, there's my wife (who ROCKS), Matt & Anj, Paul, Sarah & Carl, Brian & Joanne, Ron & Gloria (my parents, who also rock), one of the grade school classes at the church school where mom & dad attend (can you get me that address, I really, really, really need to write them a thank you letter), the Shaker Messenger, and all the folks who continue to keep me and my unit in their prayers. Thanks again! Please keep praying, as we're only close to the end, we're not there. Also, please pray for our families and keep them in mind as the end of the year and the holiday season approach. If I've left anyone out, you have my apologies.
Lastly, I have to tell you, I had a "Ron Moment" this week. First, some background. My dad is the master dissembler. Ask him to play any card game and the answer's the same: Oh no, I've never played that, show me how (and forget Trivial Pursuit). Then he wins. Earlier this week I was walking through the screening cells and saw some of the linguists playing cards. They asked me to play, and without skipping a beat, I said, "Oh no, I've never played that. Show me how." I won the first round and almost took them on the second one too. It was a classic Ron South moment. Naturally, the Kurdish linguist, who has never met my dad, fell for it hook, line and sinker. Yeah, it wasn't fair, I know.
I'm pretty pumped about going home for a while, needless to say. I can promise the phone will be on, but I can't promise I'll answer it, or be in a condition to do so. For all that, I do hope to see some of you when I get back.
1 comment:
You've been in my thoughts all week. Please stay safe on your way home and make it back to Kim in one piece.
If you don't know how to keep a firearm on you 24/7 and do it safely by now I may have to fly out there and poke you in the eye. Twice even.
Since you've been wearing that piece of gear for this long you should be shooting at nickle targets by now. The reason I say this is because I know you haven't, and that I know I can still hit 8:10. Slacking I know but I don't shoot as much as I should these days. So I'd expect since you're wearing that thing you should shoot better than I can. So get on that. With a sniper as your teacher you could have no better a mentor, utilize his knowledge to the Nth degree. Listen, learn, and cement everything he says into your brain for life.
When you do get home, relax, take in all the simple things you missed when you are overseas. Spend the time to smell your wife's hair, her pillow after she gets up, the way she feels when you hug her, all the small and yet important things you didn't know you'd miss until you were miles away.
Also don't forget to spend some time with Carrie, I'm sure she misses you, even though she'll probably be mad at you for leaving. Cats are kinda cranky about that leaving thing. And maybe at least once let her win and go to bed when she says you should just to make her happy. :)
When and IF and only if you have some time, let us know and we can spend some time hanging out in game. If not, then know you have no explanations that are due at all, because your time is best spent with Kim, and family. If you do we look forward to it, but please remember this is not required at all, an email saying, "I'm home!" will do just as well. :) Enjoy every single second you are home, savor the moments and lock them away for future recall, they'll be well worth it. ;)
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