Sunday, March 9, 2008

He Wrote The Book. Literally

Was trolling through SWJ and found another article. I know, I know, it's in the WAPO (which means annoying pop-up windows). & dad, give it a read please - it's written by an Army officer. To wit, it's literally written by one of the authors of the newly publish US Army Counterinsurgency (COIN) manual. He discusses what else this country needs to do to continue the successes in Iraq and to up the ante in Afghanistan. Good reading, actually - mentions our success in Iraq (NB: This is a continuing theme with me - hate to hear from friends and relatives the litanies of how poorly the war in Iraq is going. I know it's dangerous and challenging, but that doesn't mean we're not gaining on the enemy.). And it's balanced - he mentions what the country will need to do to gain on the enemy in Afghanistan (personally, I'm not so sure we can really and truly halt the opium production in that country, but I'm pessimistic about that).

Other than that, we continue to wait. Will let you all know when we're there!



Anonymous said...

Nagl (that's LTC Nagl to Mark) was also interviewed by John Stewart on the Daily Show...great interview and hoestly blew me away for Comedy Central to run that piece.

Anonymous said...

Here's the Daily Show clip: