Thursday, March 6, 2008

All the news that's fit to publish

This is going to be a catch all post...just so you know.

First, news from abroad. Found this article through Small Wars Journal today. It's in the Financial Times. I know I don't usually peruse that periodical, and I think Jeff might be the only one (maybe Busch too...) who might. In any event, it goes into some detail about a major shift in Muslim thought vis-a-vis AQI. Interesting reading just for more background material.

Next thing, packing. Paul never mentioned a multifunction phone. I have a Samsung Blackjack, and it basically rocks. It's the reason I'm on the internet now. Bottom line, I can store a good dozen books on it, a couple gigs of music, write, email, text message, call and connect to the internet either on the phone itself or use it as a digital modem. Oh, and best of all, it can connect to telenav either with an extra (bluetooth powered) GPS or with the new Blackjack 2. Best gadget in my inventory. Not sure if I mentioned it yet, but going anywhere without a field jacket liner is asking for trouble. I know the fleece jacket is hip and cool, but nothing compares to the field jacket liner.

News, news, and more news. Seems we made the news in Evansville again. In all "personal interest" stories, just remember that there's usually more to any given story than one is told. So, viewer beware of first impressions - don't rely solely on one source of news.

We're back at it here in the deep south. Pass is over, and I know I'm still wishing I were on pass. We had a ton of fun, slept a lot, ate some great meals, drank some great wine and basically just enjoyed being together. No offense folks, but I'm glad Kim came to me and not vice versa. We needed the time alone.

That's it for now. Please keep our Soldiers and their families in your prayers.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A stateside cell phone in &*%##$ Iraq?

But I have to admit, it does make a fine addition State side.