Saturday, November 8, 2008

Guten Tag, sehr geehrte Damen und Her...

Guten Tag, sehr geehrte Damen und Herren!

I thought that an appropriate greeting, considering I've been in Germany now for...five days?  Something like that.  I accompanied an officer to the hospital at Landstuhl, from which the Army moved him to Walter Reed.  Nothing serious, but that was their decision.  So that leaves me here in Germany, trying desperately to get back down range.  It's not bad, as there's not mission, no stress and nothing to do.  And it's awful, since there's no mission, no stress and not a whole lot to do.  I have no civvies, so going "out" is not really an option.  I left the borrowed running shoes in Landstuhl (good move Mark) and so here I am.  For all that, it's not bad.  There's a cafe open up next door (they serve Starbucks, and I can live with that), which is open until like, midnight.  I might actually go there and pay the $10 for WiFi access today and do Warcraft for a few hours tonight.  I mean, why not?  Right now, I'm on one of the computers in the PHA ("Personnel Holding Area"), and am posting, so it's not totally uncivilized.  The only problem, the only glaring hole in this entire setup is the arrangements to fly.  See, it's all "Space A" travel, which is "space available".  Nothing is guaranteed.  Essentially the trip that took five hours to get here will take two to three days to get back, and that's just getting to Kuwait.  Yay.

Everything notwithstanding, I have no complaints.  Well, no legitimate complaints.  I'm here, with others in the same situation, and as misery loves company, we're a sort of odd fraternity.  It's all good.  I was able to hit the gym a couple days ago, and am still at body weight on bench press.  I can hit the gym here, providing I don't mind working out in boots.  We'll see.  This is a weekend, so doing next to nothing is acceptable now, whereas yesterday it was not. 

I played the rank card yesterday, which I kind of feel bad about, but it was needed.  See, they put all patients and escorts into the same housing in Landstuhl.  When I went to "check out" yesterday, they said, "oh sir, you'll have to wait for your platoon sergeant."  I snapped.  "Hey sergeant, let's try this," I started, "how about, I'm a Major in the US Army and I'm leaving whether he's here or not?  I have a commander who wants me downrange, I'm not a patient and have no intent upon staying here longer than I must.  I don't wait for E7s."  Strangely enough that worked like magic.  They started hopping.  I'll only play the game for so long, usually until the situation becomes stupid, then I snap.  I didn't get upset, didn't raise my voice, so that was good.

So that's what's new in my world.  Either I'll get back to Mosul, or I'll get to Kuwait and await the main body.  Either way, I'll get back to the unit.





austrohoosier said...

The veritable master of the Day Pack didn't carry skivvies for the trip to Deutschland? Mark, you disappoint me.... Come to think of it, you might do better to wear uniform into the civilian sector: with that Glattkopf of yours, wouldn't want anyone confusing you for a Rechtsradikaler!

Looking forward to your reappearance stateside. Noch einmal, komm sicher, gesund und guad nach hause.


Anjie said...

I can't wait til you return! Matt and I are quite pumped about being able to hang out with you again. Really looking forward to it! :D

Not long now! In the meantime we're hanging with Paul and keeping him busy, and hopefully out of trouble. As we know real trouble doesn't begin until you two start it :P Can't wait for the banter between you two to begin again!!

Unknown said...

I had plenty of skivvies...I lacked PT gear, civilian clothes and a fleece jacket. Going in five hours from a high of 87 to a high of 57 was a shock. Yeah, I messed up on that one.

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!